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STUDYBLUE is a great tool especially for making flashcards. I know we all don't like to admit it but there's this huge habit or problem a lot of us college kids have: procrastination. Our study habits are a huge factor in how well we do in our classes. I will admit that I procrastinate on a lot of projects and put off studying for exams until last minute but StudyBlue has helped me so much, especially with the whole studying last minute aspect.
I think the greatest thing about this app is that it allows us to collaborate with our peers, the people who you sit next to in class, have the same class as but at a different time or maybe that had the class a previous semester. As of right now around 1,739 UNI students are currently using StudyBlue. When you enter in the University of Northern Iowa and search for your classes there may already be "Class Materials" at your hands made by other students to help you study. For instance, if you have to take Principles of Marketing with Iyer I already made flash cards for all the exams......Your welcome. ;) In other cases, your class won't have any "Class Materials" and you may even have to enter in the course number yourself, which isn't hard to do. Either way let's grow our UNI community on StudyBlue!!
This app, which I have on my iPhone, allows you to carry the flashcards you make with you at all times. With StudyBlue I can literally be walking to class last minute flipping through the cards, on my bed watching Netflix taking a generated quiz of terms, or I even have the capability to print out a review sheet of all the terms and definitions. There's so many great opportunities you can do with this application and I encourage you all to join STUDYBLUE.
You are the future of UNI, collaborate amongst yourselves and PASS YOUR CLASSES!!
You can do it!
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