Thursday, October 23, 2014

8 Easy Steps: How to Turn in an Assignment on eLearning

I know as a Freshman I had no idea what eLearning was, how to use it, etc. Here are 8 step-by-step screenshot instructions on how one could turn an assignment in on eLearning. 

STEP 1: Visit and click on the eLearning tab... I have it shown circled in red.

STEP 2: clicking on the eLearning link from UNI's website will lead you to this page. Click the CatID Sign On which is circled in red. 

 STEP 3: Use your CatID and password to sign on.

STEP 4: Your Courses are shown on the lefthand side, click on the class in which you are trying to turn in an assignment.  (For example purposes I will be showing my Digital Advertising class.)

STEP 5: Once you're on your classes particular "Course Dashboard", click on the "Course Content"
 tab on the lefthand side. (Most professors have their eLearning set up in this way... although your's may not. This step is subject to change depending on your professor)

STEP 6: Most professors do a great job of keeping their "Course Content" easy and simple to maneuver through. For example, my professor has multiple folders all for different things going on in our class; he has a folder specifically labeled "Assignments". (Keep in mind not every professor has their Course Content organized in this way)

STEP 7: The "Assignments" folder has lead me here as you can see the symbols next to these assignments have a pencil, ruler, and blank paper behind them. This symbolizes an assignment that can be submitted through eLearning. So for this example I will just click the top project.

STEP 8: You have a couple choices when it comes to submitting an assignment... If it's a written submission (1) you can click on that and it will expand to give you space to write. If you have a file; like a word document, powerpoint, etc. you need to upload click "Browse My Computer"(2). And last but not least Click SUBMIT.


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